Back in the early 90's Acappella released a song called "Don't Be Talkin' 'Bout Friends" which, as you can guess by the title, addresses the way we speak of our loved ones when they aren't around to hear it. I got to thinking about the song and I said to myself, "Self, you should talk about your friends when they're not around... in a good way, of course!" So I'll talk about my friends and if they're your friends, too, you can add your two cents (or ten pesos, whatever floats your boat).
note: These are in no particular order...except that I was thinking about them in this order.
Friend 1:
Blake Bergstrom - Blake is a great dude! I really don't know him very well, but he's the type that can make friends with a fence post and have the best stories to tell about their adventures together.
I met Blake for the first time back in March when Spot (my old truck) died. Steph and I were looking for a vehicle for me and she found one on
craigslist that looked like it could be good. I called the number and got voicemail...from a guy with a
whole lot of energy! I immediately thought, "Youth pastor. He's gotta be a youth pastor." He called me back and wouldn't you know it...he is a pastor! Since his name wasn't on the craigslist ad, I had no idea who he was. Come to find out, he's the new campus pastor of my sister-in-law, Ashley's church,
Cross Point - Nashville. Steph and I had seen him preach for the first time at Cross Point just a few weeks earlier. How crazy is that?!
In talking more with Blake, we found out he had recently moved to Nashville from Oklahoma (which was kinda weird because we were trying to decide whether we would move to Oklahoma or not). We asked him what part of Oklahoma he came from and he said, "Oklahoma City." And I, being nosey, asked, "What part?" His reply, "Edmond." That's when I knew this car was meant for us.
So, I went to test-drive the car. He had it all clean and ready to roll when I showed up. He handed me the keys and said, "Take it for a spin and see what you think." I did. As I was pulling out of his driveway he turned to me and said, "Hey, I don't know if you know who I am..." I cut him off and said, "
Yeah, I do."
Yes, I bought my car from that guy! You're welcome. Love ya, Blake!
Peace, Love, and Dark Chocolate