Sunday, July 26, 2009

I Give Up!

It's Sunday morning again. The morning when most folk get up and go to their choice house of worship. If I may, I'd like to submit that, although corporate worship is good and necessary, worship doesn't start and stop "at church." Worship is a daily decision to give up self and devote all your time and energy to your God. There are many different gods out there (we'll talk about those soon), but there is only one True Savior. This Savior is who I worship, and I hope you do too.

Since I don't have the ability to worship with all my readers at the same time (by the way, thank each of you for reading my blog), I decided to add the following video to this post so you know where I'm coming from every day. No matter what happens in our lives, we are called to worship, so take this opportunity to give in to Jesus and let him overwhelm you!

I Give You My Heart
songwriter: Reuben Morgan
artist: Michael W. Smith

Peace, Love, and Chocolate

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