Wednesday, December 22, 2010

TEN TOP TENS FOR 2010: part 1

I love top ten lists so I want to share ten top ten lists on the last ten days of 2010. Some of the lists may be funny (although ... probably not very funny), some may be more serious, and some may be just plain ridiculous. Hope you will add to them if you have something to add.

For the first list, here's my top ten list of books I've read this year (in no particular order):

10. Stuff Christians Like - Jonathan Acuff
9. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - C.S. Lewis
8. The Haunted Mesa - Louis L'Amour
7. Good Book - David Plotz
6. Total Money Makeover - Dave Ramsey
5. Don't Make A Black Woman Take Off Her Earrings - Tyler Perry as Madea
4. Plan B - Pete Wilson
3. Love And Respect - Emerson Eggerichs
2. More Than Enough - Dave Ramsey
1. Ecclesiastes - King Solomon

Your turn to share your favorite books of 2010!

Peace, Love, and Good Reading


TimH said...

Malcom Gladwells' "What the Dog Saw" is a good one.

Anonymous said...

Redeeming Love.

It will probably be my favorite for a long time.. so, that makes 2010 special in this category for me =)

Love you!